A very erudite piece that clearly sums up the bullshit that is biodynamics and the last paragraph brilliantly sums up why it still works

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Thanks JPH!

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But Henry, the proof is in the chamomile-stuffed intestinal pudding! Can't you see it?!

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Romanee Conti, duh!

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Would clearly be shite without the 'dynamics boost

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I agree fully that the cosmic relationship is utter horseshit… but like you say the attention to detail they bring to the table does make a difference. Also, there is some decent arguments that can be made in defence of the biodynamic preparations they add to their vineyards. Not of course because it helps channel the energies of the universe, but because it represents a quite interesting form of inoculation of beneficial microbes into the soil and vineyard biome. The regenerative movement borrows heavily from some aspects of biodynamics, less the Steiner mythology, which I think we need more of.

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My query is how can the preparations have the affect when they are diluted homeopathically? They're essentially spraying holy water on the vineyard.

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See that’s a very fair point. Some places I’ve been add relatively concentrated “teas” of the preparations to their compost piles before adding it to the vineyard. I’d like to think that at least cannot hurt the bio diversity of the compost. What you gain by it over regular healthy compost is a different story.

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Your last paragraph nails it.

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Thanks Richard!

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Well said, it sounds more like Mormon religious laws and rules than farming. But again, all the BS and woo woo, I still find myself loving biodynamic wines.

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Me too and biodynamic winemakers, they're often really thoughtful people. It's just that 9 times out of 10 when you press them, you get something about planets or cosmic forces.

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