I tasted one wine where the winemaker poured me a taste of a freshly opened bottle, then he took the rest of the bottle and quickly poured (e.g., vortex trick) the rest into a pitcher and poured the pitcher back into the bottle before pouring me a second taste. The amount of change with that quick aeration was noticeable.

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Wine is endlessly fascinating to me, in the way that this piece illustrates. You can taste the same wine over a period and either each glass tastes exactly the same or very different, and you never really know which is going to happen. Going to try decanting my Aligoté this evening (after poring some straight from the bottle) and see if it makes a difference.

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I reckon a decent aligote is just the sort of thing that improves with time open.

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Indeed it did.

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I agree completely.

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Excellent article, with some funny bits as well

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Fabulous post....so good to know

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Thanks Sally!

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What a great piece, so true!

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Ain't no lie!

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I couldn't agree more! Well said.

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Thanks Tam, Also I tasted that Corrales Fino on your recommendation. It's incredible, and just as you described

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